Facebook Photos of the Month

Let's share some of the fabulous photos posted on the Skeleton Lake Facebook page!  Each month we'll pick three photos based on the number of Likes and/or comments for you to enjoy throughout the year! 

June 2024

Hosta Salad!

Diane Smith

408 Lake Years

Rita Davidson

Four Point Landings

Susan LangloisMeyers

May 2024

Celebrating 100 Years!  - Robert Andrews

New Merchandise is Here  - Linda Haslam Stroud

Yowza  - Jeff Crocker

Cannonball!  - Susan Langlois Meyers

April 2024

Misty Morning

Alison Liphardt


Susan Langlois Meyers

Earthly Eclipse

Jeff Crocker 

March 2024

Wide Open

Janet Medland Davidson

Snow ... Then Sun

Kathy Ross 

Beaman's Bay

Laurie Cooper-Bridge

February 2024

February Droning

Paul Bennett 


Jeff Crocker

Devil's Face Hike

Molly Hopkins 

January 2024

Winter Morning

Kelly Andrews 


Kathy Ross

Gorgeous Morning

Ian Lang 

December 2023

End of the Year Swim

Diane Smith 

Winter Solstice

Jeff Crocker 

Beautiful Place for Christmas

Kelly Andrews

November 2023

Beautiful Start to the Day

Glenna Pike

Who Flew into My Tree?

Kelly Andrews 

November 1

Janet Medland Davidson

October 2023


Kathy Edgar 


Sharilyn Arabia 

What a View!

Hunter Carpenter

September 2023

Rise and Shine

Cyndi Martin-Alder 

Sunrise through Fog

Cyndi Martin Alder

Skeleton - The Most Beautiful

Susan Langlois Meyers 

Mirror Shot

Mark Wignall 

Northern Lights

Cyndi Martin-Alder 

Beautiful Moon

Marcus Firman

August 2023

Timing is Everything!

Matthew King

Amazing Colours

Lois Sommers 


Mark Wignall 

Temple Cottage - 1933

Adrienne Gilbert 

Night Sky

Holly Dormer

The Moon!

John Goldsmith

July 2023

Good Morning Skeleton Lake

Cyndi Martin-Alder

Still Sleeping?

Cyndi Martin-Alder

It Floats!

David Moody

June 2023

Happy Summer Solstice

Susan Langlois Meyers

Yet Another Sunset

Jeff Crocker

Summer on Skeleton Lake

Jeff Crocker

May 2023

Farewell Indigo

Vivienne Ziner

Novice Brinkley

David Moody

52 Years and Blessed

Suzette Anzinger Johnson

April 2023

One More ...

John Dormer 

Another Beauty Night

John Dormer

First Paddle

Sharilyn Arabia

March 2023


Linda Haslam-Stroud

Waiting for Summer

Jeff Crocker 

Sap is Running

Linda Haslam-Strouc

Tonight's Lights

Diane Smith

February 2023

Very Happy Kids

Mary Clarke 

Drone Over the Lake

Kelly Andrews 

Happy Family Day

Adele Churchill

Ice on the Move

Kelly Andrews

January 2023

January Fishing

Tom Davidson

Happy New Year!

Linda Haslam-Stroud

Good Morning!

Susan Langlois-Meyers

November - December 2022

What makes SL Beautiful 

Kelly Andrews

Truly Beautiful

Kelly Andrews

Mother Nature

Deirdre Broude

Winter Sunset

Adele Churchill

October 2022

Beautiful Skeleton Lake

Carol Shepherd


Karen Bell

Red Canoe

Adele Churchill

September 2022

Calm and Pretty

Cyndi Martin-Alder

Annual Dive Weekend

David Moody

Sunset from Long Point

Greg Taggart

If Only ...

Jake Dormer

Oh What a Night!

Jennifer Logan

Incredible Beauty

Cathy Winnitoy

August 2022

What a Summer!

John Dormer

What a Summer!

John Dormer


Jennifer Kristen

Every Night Holds
a New Surprise

Jeff Crocker

Wonderful Evening
For a Paddle

Karen Bell

July 2022

Monumental Life Moment!

Emily Burgin


Karen Bell

Devil's Face

Paul Bennett

Morning Visitor

Dan Browne

Skeleton Lake Bear Alert

Susan Langlois-Meyers

Iconic One Tree

Ian Andrews

June 2022

Solstice Night

Vicki Crocker

Beautiful Calm Morning

Adrienne Gilbert

So Nice to be Back

Carol Shepherd

May 2022

Early Morning Reflections

Tom Newman

Stunning Colours

Deirdre Broude


Janet Medland Davidson

April 2022

Calm & Peaceful

Brian Cotterchio

Ice Out ... Rainbow In

Linda Haslam Stroud

Did you Guess ... April 21?

Janet Medland Davidson

Melting Has Started

Adele Churchill

North Shore Ice Push

Adele Churchill

So Peaceful!

Kelly Andrews

March 2022

Can't Get Any Better

Randy Tipping

Never Disappoints!

Karen Martindale-Sliz

Spring is Around the Corner

Jeff Crocker

February 2022

Sunrise before Snow

Kelly Andrews

A Walk on the Lake

Jeff Crocker

Skeleton Lake Winters

Kylie Edwardson

January 2022

A Tad Crisp!

Adele Churchill

Best Thing to Wake Up To

Kelly Andrews

The Beauty of our Lake

Linda Haslam-Stroud

Honourable Mention ...

Left & Right ...

Shelley Cotterchio - June

Rosebud Hummingbird

John Stoklos

One Tree Island

Paul Bennett Photography - Thank you Paul for sharing your amazing photo - 126 Likes!

Beautiful and Peaceful Day

Frank McLaughlin - Posted December 30 - Just 2 days early!

Who's Fishing on New Year's Day?

Andrea Ross - Fisherman Tom Davidson

Who else can say they've done it?

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