Water Monitoring Overview
We monitor to ...
FOCA Lake Partners Program (LLP) The Federation of Ontario Cottagers' (FOCA) Lake Partner Program is a province-wide, volunteer-based, water-quality monitoring program. Under this program, samples for the analysis of total phosphorus, calcium and chloride are taken from the lake each May and sent to the Dorset Environmental Science Centre for analysis. Secchi disk readings to determine water clarity are sent at the same time. | SLCO Water Testing SLCO volunteers also monitor total coliform (TC) and E. coli (EC) at eight sites on Skeleton Lake three to four times per year. Temperature and Secchi disk readings are taken at the same time. Sampling locations remain consistent as much as possible to provide long-term records from which trends can be identified. |
Phosphorous, Calcium and Chloride Phosphorous, calcium and chloride were traditionally collected once per year, usually at the centre of the lake. In 2021, testing was increased to four other locations, with all tests taken at the same time. SLCO is still waiting on 2021 results. (No tests were taken in 2020.) |
Parameter | 2021 Readings |
Phosphorus (µg/L) | 3.9 |
Calcium (mg/L) | 3.78 |
Chloride (mg/L) | 7 |
SLCO Testing - Results |
Clarity and Water Temperature
For the Lake Partners Program, Secchi testing is completed in the middle of the lake during May. Readings are taken in other locations three to four times per year along with temperature, total coliform and E. Coli. |
Test Number: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
2024 Dates: | May 20 | June 25 | July 28 |
Learn more about secchi disk readings and clarity of our lake. Find out why Skeleton Lake's water temperate if more consistent than other lakes. |
Total Coliform and E. Coli Algae blooms are caused when phosphorus levels rise in combination with elevated coliform counts and warmer temperatures. |
See what you can do and view the test results by location. |
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