February 26, 2018
To: SLCO Members
Re: Proposed Lippa Pit and Quarry: Summary of Feb 21, 2018 Pre-Hearing Conference
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a brief summary of last Wednesday’s Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Pre-Hearing Conference (PHC), held in Port Carling.
The first PHC proceeded as planned. Mr. Hugh Wilkins was the Adjudicator for the OMB. Approximately one hundred people attended, which demonstrated to the Adjudicator this is an issue people care about. The purpose of the PHC was for the Adjudicator and respective counsels to: identify ‘parties and participants’, note issues people wish to raise, and agree on future dates. By the end of the PHC, the Adjudicator granted ‘Party Status’ to the SLCO, the Township of Muskoka Lakes, Mr. Ross Earl, and the Appellant Mr. Lippa. In addition, the Adjudicator granted ‘Participant Status’ to thirteen people/groups, including the Lake Rosseau North Association, and the Lake Vernon Association.
The second OMB PHC will take place on Friday July 13, 2018 at 10 am and be held at the Municipal Office, 1 Bailey Street, Port Carling. As before, our legal counsel has advised that a strong turnout from residents and cottagers who are opposed to the proposed pit and quarry is important at the second PHC. It is important to continue to demonstrate to the Adjudicator that a large number of people are strongly against the proposed pit and quarry.
Looking further into the future, there is the possibility of a third PHC; no date has been discussed for a third PHC yet. The OMB Hearing itself will likely be scheduled for the spring of 2019. We will notify you of these dates once they are available.
Please continue to follow us on our Skeleton Lake Cottagers’ Organization Facebook page. In particular, please refer to the following post on the Feb 21 PHC.
As we continue to go forward, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Scott May, President
Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization
e: scott@skeletonlake.ca
c: 416 559 2839