SLCO Newsletter – July 2018
Community Updates
Water Quality
Water quality testing was conducted on May 31, 2018.
There are six parameters that our water testing program monitors. They are: Total Coliform,
E. Coli, Total Phosphorus, Calcium, Clarity and Temperature. All of these have a factor in the quality of our water. Water samples for Total Phosphorous and Calcium are done and sent to the Dorset Environmental Science Centre for testing. We will receive the results for these samples later this summer. Dorset also receives our secchi (clarity) results for the season.
Secchi testing on May 31, 2018 (a very sunny, calm day) resulted in a count of 11 meters. This is an excellent result for clear Skeleton Lake.
8 locations are tested May to September each year for Total Coliform and E. Coli:
Wilson’s Bay SK2
Newport Beach SK4
Beaman’s Bay SK6
Camp Ramah SK7
Bottom of High Falls SK8
Camp Kwasind SK9
Long Point Bay SK10
Long Bay SK11
All of these locations in the first testing (May 31, 2018) tested very well. There had not been a lot of rain, and not a lot of spring runoff due to our late spring and no pollen. Our water testing so far this year indicates the high quality of the water in Skeleton Lake continues its reputation of a crystal clear clean lake.
The garbage and recycling bin site located at Skeleton Lake Marina did not return this summer season. The owner of the Marina requested that the District of Muskoka (District) remove the site due to ongoing misuse of it and the continued challenges of keeping the site clean and tidy.
Instead, for those interested, the marina has arranged a new service. New bins are now available to use at the side of the marina in a fenced, locked area. The current cost per month to use the bins is approximately $25/month. The amount of the fee is based on the number of people who use the garbage service. The marina will not be using these bins and will not be making any profits on the program.
Septic Pump-Out
SLCO is planning to once again organize a ‘septic tank pump’ for water access properties. This activity was done 2 years ago. For those of you that might have missed it in 2016, now is the perfect time to get this necessary job done. Click here to update your profile page and sign into your account Click the grey ‘ Edit profile ’ button, scroll down and click 'yes' to indicate your interest in a pump out this year. Alternatively, you can email to indicate your interest in a pump out. We will be sending out more details in a separate note.
Nesting Loons
The cry of the loon is a classic sound of life at the cottage. As such, we need to do what we can to help protect our feathered friends. A friendly reminder to please slow down on the water. In particular, please be aware of the loons in the narrow channel between Rosebud Island and the mainland. There is a sign at one end that says ‘slow no wake’, and there is a sign at the other end that says loon nesting area. Speeding close to shore hurts our wildlife, damages boats and docks, and is dangerous!