Re: Lippa Pit and Quarry 2nd Pre-Hearing Conference update
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of recent activity, plus important upcoming dates in our continued fight against the proposed Lippa pit and quarry.
Recent Activity:
The 2nd Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Pre-Hearing Conference was held on Friday July 13, 2018 in Bracebridge. A big thank you to all of those who were able to attend - once again, the Community Centre was filled with people opposed to the Lippa operations! During the Hearing, the Tribunal added an additional Party plus 3 additional Participants to the case, all supporting our position.
As well, during the Hearing, SLCO Counsel asked the Township of Muskoka Lakes to clarify its position on Lambert’s Lake and Mud Lake, which are designated as Waterfront in the Township’s Official Plan. The proposed pit and quarry would be located significantly less than two kilometres from these lakes, which is in violation of the Official Plan. We hope to receive their response by August 31, 2018.
Upcoming Dates:
The Board has ordered that a 3rd OMB Pre-Hearing Conference be set for Monday Nov 26, 2018 and be held at the Community Centre, Port Carling. As before, your attendance is important, as we want to continue to demonstrate to the Adjudicator that a large number of people remain strongly against the proposed pit and quarry.
The OMB Hearing itself is expected to take place sometime in 2019. These dates will be set at the next PHC and we will notify you once they become available.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the next Pre-Hearing Conference in November. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Scott May, President
Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization
c: 416 559 2839