At the 3rd OMB Pre-Hearing Conference (PHC) last November, Ross Earl made a ‘Motion to Dismiss’ the Lippa application, which was strongly supported by SLCO. At the time, a decision on the Motion was reserved by the Adjudicator. That decision has now been issued, on 5 March 2019. In summary, the Tribunal ordered the motion to dismiss the appeals be denied, which is unfavourable to SLCO’s case. Full details of the decision can be found by clicking here.
On a positive note all Parties agree that a further Official Plan Amendment Application is required to address the issue of Lambert's Lake and Mud Lake being within 2 kilometres of the proposed rock crushing operation, which is prohibited under the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan. This is good news because it recognizes the significance of the issue at hand, and we are well-positioned to fight this new application.
We will continue to keep you informed as more information becomes available. In the interim, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Scott May
President - Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization
c: 416 559 2839