May 25, 2019
To: SLCO Members
Re: 2019 Spring Freshet - Recovery and Clean-up
As communicated in my May 5 note, the Town of Huntsville is moving forward with recovery efforts from the spring freshet, collecting and removing the debris in our lakes and rivers. The Town has partnered with several lake associations to finalize an approach for watershed clean-up. Specifically, they have arranged for a dumpster to be placed at each lake for one weekend. For Skeleton Lake, a dumpster will be located at 180 Camp Newport road on Saturday June 1 & Sunday June 2. Guidelines for use of the dumpster are as follows:
Additionally, if you sustained property damage, supports are currently available as follows:
If you have any questions, please contact Denise Corry (Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Huntsville):
Ms. Denise Corry
37 Main Street East (705) 789-1751 ext 2356 | 1-888-696-4255 ext 2356
Scott May – President Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization
c: 416 559 2839