The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Skeleton Lake Cottager's Association (SLCO) was held at Troy Cove Marina on August 9th, 2014 at 10am.
More than 50 voting members attended, and almost as many again from the general public. The President, Doug Dougherty welcomed everyone and introduced the Directors of the SLCO. He introduced the Mayor of the Township of Muskoka Lakes, Alice Murphy, who made a surprise visit. She addressed the meeting briefly and congratulated the all those involved in developing the Lake Plan document. Having perused the document, she commented on the detail in the Plan and urged the Directors to present it at a Planning and Economic Development Committee of the District Municipality of Muskoka.
The meeting proceeded with the President's Remarks, the Treasurer's Report and the Water Quality Report. The details of these and the Standing Committee Reports will be posted on the web site entitled Minutes of 2014 AGM.
Doug Dougherty presented a slide deck outlining the development and final draft of the Skeleton Lake Plan and Stewardship Program. There were several questions and then the Members were asked to vote on a motion to accept the Plan/Program, publish the document and begin implementation. The motion was approved unanimously. The President was elated, as were those involved in the project and the Members. It was the culmination of almost five years of work. Congratulations all around!
The Chair of the Nominating Committee reported that the following Directors were seeking re-election to the Board: Ken Auden, Lou-Enne Bartolomeu, Jeff Crocker, Cary Deloye, Timolin Daniel, Doug Dougherty, Jim Dyment, Sherril Johnson, Teddene Long, Al Marshall, Scott May, Paul Pieper, Kathi Poupard, Geoff Ross, Paul Smith and Sandi West.
There was a call for nominations from the floor and Bob Smith was nominated. The motion for approval of the above nominees was approved. These seventeen Directors assume the responsibility for the management of the corporation for the 2014/15 year.
Teddene Long - President