Skeleton Lake News

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  • 13 Jan 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    VIDEO HEARING - Monday, January 13 @ 9:00 a.m.

    This is the third conference and you are invited to attend by video hearing using the instructions below.

    In our efforts to block the Lippa quarry application from being approved we are doing everything we can to support the Township and the District in their efforts to defend the Official Plan and especially those policies that will protect our lakes from aggregate operations.

    Our lawyer will represent us at the CMC on Monday. Please know that the process of appeals is lengthy and filled with proceedings that are complicated and therefore expensive. The main items on the agenda for this CMC include:

    1. consideration of a finalized Issues List from the Appellant Parties
    2. preparation of a draft Procedural Order (PO) for consideration of the Appeals
    3. setting Hearing date(s) for the Appeals to be heard

    We will update you after the meeting.

    GoTo Meeting:

    Access code: 687-587-165
    Audio-only line: +1 (647) 497-9373 or
    (Toll-free) 1-888-299-1889
    Audio-only access code: 687-587-165
  • 10 Sep 2024 10:57 AM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Appeal of Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan

    VIDEO HEARING - Wednesday, Sept 11, 2024,  @ 10:00 a.m.

    As reported earlier this year, the Township of Muskoka Lakes new Official Plan (OP) is under appeal. Of prime importance to Skeleton Lake cottagers and residents is "Section K - Aggregates" which is being appealed by Frank & Elizabeth Lippa and Miller Paving Ltd.  

    The appellants are seeking to overturn important safeguards the township has written into the new OP that keep new pits & quarries a safe distance from our lakes.

    The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) will hold its second Case Management Conference (CMC) this coming Wednesday Sept 11, starting at 10:00 a.m. by Video Hearing.

    Members are strongly encouraged to participate in this hearing by clicking on the link below.  Our strength is in our numbers and it's very important to our case to make sure the OLT knows there is overwhelming community support in keeping these OP policies in place that protect our lake.

    Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization (SLCO) has been granted Party Status and our solicitor, David Donnelly, will be speaking on our behalf. 

    access code 687-587-165

    Individuals are asked to access and set up the GoToMeeting application well in advance of the event. The desktop application can be downloaded at GoToMeeting or a web application is available at 

    More information about this appeal can be found on OLT's website (OLT-24-000035).  The report from the first CMC meeting is available here.   

    The Board of Directors

    Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

  • 21 Mar 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    The SLCO worked very hard and, with the assistance of our local Councillors in Muskoka Lakes, successfully embedded important parts of our Stewardship and Lake Plan into the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan.  The SLCO, with assistance and support of other lake organizations, was also successful in encouraging Council to continue with the existing policy that prohibits aggregate operations within 2km from the Waterfront areas in the Township, while adding strengthening wording to it.

    Although District staff was offering alternative wording, District Council supported the Township Council and approvedthe policies and wording that we had worked so hard to get into place.  

    Unfortunately, there have been a number of appeals filed with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).  Lippa and Miller Aggregates have appealed the proposed aggregate policies.  A group called Our Muskoka, largely made of representatives of the development industry, have appealed our Skeleton Lake specific policies related to a 1 ha minimum lot size and 90 m minimum frontage for new lots.

    Where do we go from here?

    The OLT has set up a file (OLT-24-000035to hear the appeals.  An online Case Management Conference has been scheduled for March 21, 2024 to meet with the groups who are planning to participate in the hearing to determine:

    Who will have party status (attendance, expert witnesses, right of cross examination)

    Who will have participant status (written submissions only will to be considered by the Tribunal)

    Hearing duration and scheduling including deadlines to file:

    • a list of witnesses,
    • evidence outlines, 
    • meetings of like-witnesses for opposing parties, 
    • Dates to file visual evidence

    The Case Management Conference is not a time to present opinions or arguments,  but rather an exercise to direct traffic.  The SLCO and other lake organizations will attend the meeting to request party status at the hearing.

    If you wish to watch or participate in the Ontario Land Tribunal proceedings on March 21 at 10:00 a.m., use this link and access code:

    Access Code: 519-389-173

  • 04 Dec 2023 11:34 AM | Anonymous

    Over the last four years, the SLCO has been an active participant in the development of the new Township of Muskoka Lakes (TML) Official Plan (OP), more specifically the proposed changes to Section K4 - Application Requirements for Mineral Aggregate Operations.   Read the full update.

  • 12 Apr 2022 10:07 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    The purpose of this note is to keep you informed about an application by the Skeleton Lake Marina for a proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment ZBA-68/21 to expand docking at the marina. 

    Specifically, Skeleton Lake Marina has applied for a zoning bylaw amendment to add 14 additional docking spaces plus automobile parking to the existing marina. 

    The proposed amendment will be heard at the Township of Muskoka Lakes Planning Committee Meeting on Thursday April 14, 2022.

    The SLCO understands that this application potentially adds additional traffic to an already busy bay.  The SLCO will recommend the Township address safety issues in this area and consider posting channel markers and speed recommendations for boaters in Beaman's Bay.

    Planning Committee Meeting Agenda - 

    When:  Thursday April 14, 2022  Planning Meeting Link  

    Key Documents: 

    If you wish to have your concerns on this matter heard, we encourage you to send an email by tomorrow to, your councillors and/or consider attending the virtual meeting and request a delegation at the meeting. Delegations will be solicited during the agenda item and you must connect via Zoom to participate in the meeting. 

    Contact details for councillors are as follows:

    Susan Mazan

    Gordon Roberts

    Allen Edwards

    Barb Bridgeman  (Chair)

    David Pink


    The Board of Directors

    Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

  • 28 Mar 2021 11:48 AM | Deleted user

    Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan (OP) -

    first draft up for review/concerns re aggregates

    The first draft of the ToML Official Plan has been posted on the Township site and can be found here here.  Special Planning Committee meetings will be taking place on Monday, March 29th, Thursday, April 1st and we believe Tuesday, April 6th all starting at 09:00 hours. We encourage you to observe the proceedings virtually by clicking on the link below and then clicking on ‘view here’ in the document.

    Monday, March 29th, 9 am - AGENDA - SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING - March 29 

    Thursday, April 1st, 9am - AGENDA - SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING - April 1 

    Tuesday, April 6th.  Link not available as yet but go to, click on Government Portal, click on Special planning meeting April 6/20

    The aggregate component of the OP unfortunately does not strengthen the wording to prevent mineral aggregate operations in/near waterfront property as SLCO, Councillors, Planning Committee members and many of you have requested.

    The present OP is very specific and states:

    “Due to widespread existence of granite outcrops in the Township and the economic viability of crushing this resource into gravel, new rock crushing operations shall be limited to areas:

    -farther than two kilometres of a boundary of an Urban Centre: and 

    -farther than two kilometres from the Waterfront designation" (emphasis added)

    The first draft of the revised OP is much weaker and states:

    “New rock crushing operations shall be discouraged within 2 kilometres from the boundaries of the Waterfront Area designation” (emphasis added)

    It also states:

    The Township shall not generally support the establishment of new mineral aggregate operations in the Waterfront Area designation through an Official Plan Amendment, because of the potential negative environmental, social, and/or economic impacts (visual and otherwise) related to Muskoka’s lakes and rivers.

    We of course are very concerned regarding the weakening of the wording including only ‘discouraging’ and not ‘limiting’ within 2 kms of waterfront, as well as the wording that says the Township will ‘generally’ not support.

    We have other concerns that the wording has not been strengthened -which SLCO and councillors proposed during the discussion phase of the review.

    SLCO has requested standing on Thursday, April 1//21 and we will present our concerns.  We invite you to observe any one of the dates by clicking the links above.

    We are hoping that the next OP iteration will reflect the concerns raised.  We will keep you informed of our progress and whether we will require your advocacy as we move through the OP review process.


    Linda Haslam-Stroud


  • 21 Jan 2021 8:00 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

     Original Letter - SLCO Letter of Objection to Proposed Bell Tower W7716 - Jan 20 Final.pdf

                    January 20th, 2021.

    To:          Matthew Milligan, Senior Advisor, Real Estate and Government Relations, Bell Mobility.

    CC:          Mr. Adam Fulford / Ms. Maria Wood,  Canacre Ltd. (Agents for Bell Canada)

                    Robert Malcolmson,  Chief Regulatory Officer, BCE Inc.

                    David Pink,  Director of Planning, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                    Susan Mazan,  Ward B Councilor, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                    Gordon Roberts,  Ward B Councilor, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                    Phil Harding,  Mayor, Township of Muskoka Lakes


    RE:       Letter of Objection to Proposed Bell Tower ‘W7716, Skeleton Lake North’ at 4300 Aspdin Rd., Township of Muskoka Lakes

    Dear Matthew,

    Thank you for extending the Public Consultation period and for meeting with our executives to discuss this proposal in some depth.

    As conveyed to Canacre and yourself, the Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization (SLCO) represents the interests of a majority of approximately 500 cottagers and other residents of Skeleton Lake watershed.

    While the SLCO appreciates that Bell Mobility is proposing to improve local mobile cellular LTE voice & data service and fixed wireless broadband service through their proposed tower, the SLCO OPPOSES the 61m free-standing, steel-lattice tower W7716 to be erected at 4300 Aspdin Road because of the significant negative impact to the scenic views on the northwest shore of Skeleton Lake.

    The SLCO has a mandate, supported by the majority of its members and other residents around the Lake, to preserve the physical features and values of Skeleton Lake for generations to come.  Landscapes and scenic views are paramount among those values as defined in our Lake Plan and Stewardship Program.  A 61m, free-standing, steel-lattice tower within such close proximity to the shores of Skeleton Lake, sitting atop a 60m precipice, would forever be an eyesore and diminish the enjoyment of the Lake’s residents.

    The Township of Muskoka Lakes has recently passed a motion adopting Skeleton Lake’s ‘Lake Plan and Stewardship Program’ into the Township’s Official Plan, recognizing the community’s desire and authority to protect, among other features, its scenic views.

    The Township of Muskoka Lakes in their “Interim Policy Communication Tower” also calls for “siting of new communication towers shall consider the … retention of prominent views and vistas”. 

    As well, our members have indicated their preference and need for fixed wireless broadband services as an alternative to expensive mobile cellular data access to the internet, a service already available to most of them.  We note, and as you confirmed, the coverage maps provided by Canacre depict mobile cellular LTE voice & data coverage and NOT fixed wireless broadband coverage.

    Based upon an analysis that SLCO has performed using advanced radio coverage modelling software, we believe that our members can still achieve vastly improved fixed wireless broadband service with a shorter 30m “monopine” tower erected on the same high precipice at 4300 Aspdin Rd.  In the event that a 30m tower is not sufficient to achieve the desired cellular coverage then perhaps two strategically placed 30m towers along the north shore and Aspdin Rd. could provide the desired improved mobile cellular coverage as well as fixed wireless broadband without significantly diminishing scenic views.

    We also note that the construction of this tower is not scheduled until the “building season” of 2022 meaning that improved mobile cellular LTE voice & data service and fixed wireless broadband service is not expected until late in 2022.  Our members would benefit from having improved fixed wireless broadband services now, especially during this pandemic.  This proposal does not meet the immediate needs of the community, yet we are aware that other fixed wireless broadband service operators will, in all likelihood, be able to satisfy much of that demand in the current year.

    We stand resolute in our commitment to vigorously oppose this 61m tower at 4300 Aspdin Road, including at the municipal level.

    It is because of the significant negative impact to the scenic views of the north shore of Skeleton Lake that the SLCO stands opposed to the current proposal for a 61m tower at 4300 Aspdin Road.  The SLCO is willing to work with Bell to develop a mutually agreeable plan which could involve a 30m “monopine” style tower in the same location or two strategically placed 30m towers if that is required.  This type of tower is similar to those that you’ve indicated Bell Mobility is installing in many areas of Muskoka and that Bell is required to use in other scenic areas of Ontario, such as Algonquin Park.  This style and size of tower is more environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the Skeleton Lake community’s desire to protect and preserve the natural character of the Lake and its scenic vistas.

    On behalf of the SLCO Board of Directors,

    Jeff Crocker 


    Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

  • 06 Dec 2020 2:12 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    (original letter: Letter of Objection - Proposed Bell Cell Tower W7716 Skeleton Lake North.pdf)

    December 6th, 2020

    To:           Mr. Adam Fulford / Ms. Maria Wood,  Canacre Ltd. (Agents for Bell Canada)

    CC:           Mirko Bibic,  President & CEO, BCE and Bell Canada

                     Blaik Kirkby,  Group President, Bell Mobility and Bell Residential & Small Business

                     Rizwan Jamal,  President, Bell Residential and Small Business

                     David Pink,  Director of Planning, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                     Susan Mazan,  Ward B Councilor, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                     Gordon Roberts,  Ward B Councilor, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                     Phil Harding,  Mayor, Township of Muskoka Lakes

                     Navdeep Bains,  Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development

                     Scott Aitchison,  Member of Parliament, Parry Sound- Muskoka

                     Norm Miller,  Member of Provincial Parliament, Parry Sound-Muskoka


    Subject:  Proposed Bell Tower ‘W7716 Skeleton Lake North’ at 4300 Aspdin Rd, Township of Muskoka Lakes

    Dear Mr. Fulford / Ms. Wood,

    I'm writing to you in my capacity as the President of the Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization (SLCO).  Our organization represents more than 500 owners of waterfront properties and more than 1000 families in our immediate watershed.  Our mandate is to preserve and protect our very unique and scenic lake and its environs.  We are guided by our Lake Plan and Stewardship Program (the ‘Lake Plan’), a copy of which can be found at our website. (

    As you know, members of the SLCO attended Canacre's video question & answer meeting on Nov 19th, 2020 regarding the above proposed tower.  I believe hosting that meeting was a necessity under federal regulations to gain approval for Bell Mobility’s application for a proposed telecommunications tower, dubbed ‘Skeleton Lake North W7716’ (the ‘Tower’).  We only received notice of that meeting on Nov 17th, courtesy of our Ward Councilor in the Township of Muskoka Lakes.  We expected a meaningful engagement where concerns would be heard and alternatives considered.  We were disappointed to find that was not the case, that Canacre was simply passing on a cursory and incomplete outline of Bell’s intentions.

    If you refer to page 15 of our Lake Plan you will see a ranking of the values that our community constituents decided are most important to them.  In particular, you will notice that some 97.5% of our community values “Scenic Views” as the second most important “Valued Feature”, behind only Water Quality.

    Your proposal for a 60.8m tower, proposed to be erected within 700m of the shore of our scenic Skeleton Lake on the highest pinnacle known as our famous ‘Tomelin Bluffs’, will tower some 120m (or 393 feet) above Skeleton Lake.

    The placement of a tower this size, in this location, is completely incompatible with our community’s desire to protect scenic views around Skeleton Lake, designated as an extremely high priority by our constituents.

    In addition, we are concerned that Bell may have made a serious omission by overlooking the very important fact that Skeleton Lake has a registered water aerodrome on it.  In your presentation of Nov 19th, you promised that the tower would not require lighting, however we believe Transport Canada may decide otherwise due to this aerodrome.  Dark skies are another highly rated Valued Feature by our community and having a lighted tower will negatively impact this.

    While our community, like many other rural communities, is in dire need of improved internet access, we want solutions that do not completely and utterly compromise the most cherished qualities of our lake community.  Based on the initial due diligence and research by our Board of Directors, we are aware that other alternatives are becoming available.

    We are asking for a delay in the ‘Consultation’ phase of this proposal until such time as we can have meaningful dialogue with the business team from Bell Mobility responsible for this tower proposal and the general network topology in Muskoka, and have our concerns and our needs duly considered.  

    We would also like time to consult our own community for their input.  

    We believe we have grounds to seek this as we were not properly served notice, despite the fact that i) the community shares the lake which is within the 1km notice radius and, ii) the township has been in possession of, and acknowledged, our Lake Plan since 2015 and should have included the SLCO early on in the discussions.  

    In the meantime, we are seeking some additional information including:

    1. When did Bell first notify the township of this application?
    2. What engagement has Bell had with the residents and cottagers of Skeleton Lake and when?
    3. Why was the SLCO not notified at an early stage, knowing the potential impact on scenic values and sight lines in and around our lake?
    4. What is Bell’s expected date to have approval to proceed with this tower?
    5. When does Bell expect to commence construction?
    6. When does Bell expect to commission the tower into operation?
    7. Why can Bell not consider lower and less intrusive ‘mono-pine’ towers for improving our service?  These are common practice in Muskoka.
    8. How many potential subscribers would be eliminated if Bell used a 30m ‘mono-pine’ tower, similar to that proposed for W7723 on the south side of the lake, instead of a free-standing 61m steel lattice tower?
    9. If Bell cannot, is it because this tower also serves to ‘bridge’ Bell’s fibre optic network available along Aspdin Rd to other towers via a microwave or similar point-to-point link?  If so, are these receivers in existence now or planned for the future?
    10. Bell has equipment on multiple towers serving Skeleton Lake already, identified as; W1736, W1463, W3418 and LBHONW0093-1S2.  Only two of these towers, W1463 and LBHONW0093-1S2 currently have the 3500Mhz WTTP radios installed.  What are Bell’s plans to install WTTP radios on the other two towers, W1763 and W3418?  How many more subscribers will be reachable from these? Will installing WTTP radios on these eliminate the need to reach 61m at W7716 Skeleton Lake so that a 30m ‘mono-pine’ tower would suffice?
    11. We are aware that a 3rd-party tower operator that Bell sometimes uses, SBA, is proposing a new tower just 2500m to the west of Bell’s proposed site.  Why can’t Bell lease space on this tower to implement its WTTP service? 
    12. Is Bell willing to make a binding undertaking that tower lighting will NOT be required on W7716 Skeleton North?
    13. At your meeting, we asked for a rendering of the tower from the perspective of the lake.  You said it was not possible.  We have had several created, to scale.  I have attached a few of these for your information and comment.  We intend to use these in discussion with our community.
    14. Can you establish a meeting for us with the appropriate Bell executives and key decision makers on this project?
    15. Finally, can you please provide the SLCO with contact details of the key individuals and business leaders responsible for this project at Bell Mobility and Bell Residential Services.  We wish to engage with them on this proposal.

    We look forward to receiving your answers to these questions to better understand and give our opinion on this proposal.  In addition, we look forward to Canacre Ltd. facilitating a meeting with Bell Mobility.

    In closing, we are not against Bell expanding coverage in our lake community.  We’ve been wanting improved service for more than a decade.  However, we want to engage with Bell in finding a win-win solution inclusive of the community, the municipality and Bell together.  Our community wants better internet connectivity and acknowledges Bell’s movement in that direction.  We just want to find a solution that fits the values and goals of our very unique community.


    Jeff Crocker

    President - Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization


    cc:            Scott May – Vice President, SLCO

                      Deirdre Broude - Director Lake Stewardship, SLCO

                      Tom Grajnar - Director Lake Partners, SLCO

  • 18 Nov 2020 12:07 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    IMPORTANT NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION - Thursday Nov. 19th 5:00 - 7:00 pm (tomorrow)

    Bell Canada Proposal to Erect a 60.8m (200ft) Cell Tower at the North End of Skeleton Lake

    We wish to inform you of a Public Consultation virtual meeting being held by Bell Canada to discuss a proposed cell tower to be erected on Aspdin Road, near the northwest side of the lake, just behind Leander Beach area.

    The invitation brochure can be downloaded here Bell Canada Proposed Cell Tower.PDF

    For more information and to join in this meeting click on this link:

    The SLCO was informed this week of this meeting and we are still gathering information before we make an assessment of this proposal.   Members of the SLCO Board will participate in the meeting.  We encourage all members to do the same.

    Jeff Crocker



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