Skeleton Lake News

  • 07 Oct 2020 11:55 AM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Have Your Say!  TML "Policy Directions Survey" Reminder

    The Township of Muskoka Lakes held a virtual meeting on Sept 26th to review the Policy Directions for the new Official Plan.  It was overwhelmingly attended by Skeleton Lake cottagers, underscoring our concern for protecting the fragile environment in Muskoka and in particular our pristine lake. 

    We want to make sure, once we finally bury Lippa's planned quarry, that there will never again be an opportunity to establish a harmful Pit & Quarry or any other harmful industrial site near our precious lakes.

    So I'm asking you to make sure you take some time this week to complete the survey regarding the Policy Directions that will shape the actual policies in the next Official Plan due to be drafted in early 2021.  The deadline for the survey is this Friday, October 9th.

    Here's what we want the new OP to reflect:

    • Recognition that the effects of a Pit & Quarry FAR exceed the physical footprint of the operation itself.  
    • That NO operations related to quarrying should EVER be located closer than 2km to a waterbody in Muskoka.  That includes, extraction, effluent discharge (de-watering), material hauling, destruction of natural environment and heritage features - not just crushing!
    • Noise from trucks, harmful effects of dust, road safety and the peaceful coexistence of communities must ALL be considered for any Pit & Quarry application near a waterfront area. 
    • Pits & Quarries should be restricted to an area adjacent to the two main arteries leading back to the major markets of southern Ontario, specifically Highways 11 & 400.  This is compliant with the Provincial Policy Statement.  Since granite is found everywhere in Muskoka, there is NO strategic reason to locate Pits & Quarries near sensitive lakes, streams and natural reserves deep in the interior of Muskoka along scenic township roads.  Highways 11 & 400 were designed to avoid communities and sensitive natural areas.

    The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete, and you should review the Policy Directions document as well if you haven't already.  In the survey, make sure to select "Mineral Resource Uses Adjacent to Waterfront Area" in Question 2 and fill in your comments as above in Question 3.  

    You can also choose to comment on other areas that are important to you, the community and our lake such as; Lake System Health, Recreational Carrying Capacity, Watershed Planning and Cumulative Environmental Impacts - all important and all impacted by quarrying.

    You can find the links to the survey here -

    and the Policy Directions document here -

    Please take a few minutes this week and let our township know we're serious about protecting our lakes in Muskoka!


    Jeff Crocker

    President, Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

  • 02 Oct 2020 1:32 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Re: News Update from 'The Village Harbour'

    This email is primarily directed to all boat storage, parking & docking customers who have been storing their boats at Troy Cove Marina, now known as The Village Harbour Marina.

    I am pleased to announce that at this time we have professional mechanical staff who have vast experience in the marina business, and are now ready to winterize, wrap and store your boats.

    Unfortunately at this time the marina is closed in terms of selling gas and convenience store. However, should anyone need help, emergency gas or mechanical service we can help, please call us at 416-580-0352.

    For the 2021 season the marina operation, gas bar and store hours will be open 7 days a week during summer season from 9am till 6pm. Also we will be providing professional licensed mechanical service.

    I apologize if this delay has caused you any frustration. I can assure you we are going to make this marina a beautiful place to come visit and do business for well into the future.

    Since I took over this role (2-3 weeks ago), I have been wrestling with a limited database of customers which was left behind by the previous renter.

    I kindly ask that you please contact us with your name, telephone #, email address, boat slip number (photo would work) and a brief description of your craft. This information will vastly help our mechanics organize each craft that is ready for pulling out of the lake.

    Also, could you please tell me when you are ready for us to store your boat. This information will help with logistics so we can plan appropriately.

    Thank you for your patience and your business. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


    Steve Staley

    tel:   416-580-0352


  • 16 Aug 2020 10:15 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Water-Access Septic Tank Pump-outs (2nd-call)

    Are you water access?  Have you had your septic tank pumped out in the last 5 years?  Give yourself some peace of mind and get it pumped out this year. Most septic systems should to be pumped out  every 3-5 years. 

    The SLCO is once again organizing a septic pump out for water-access cottagers.  Muskoka Septic Services (MSS) is one of only a few remaining service providers that has a purpose-built barge available for use on Skeleton Lake.  And once again, MSS is offering a special discount to members of the Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization.

    MSS plans to be on Skeleton Lake around the 3rd week of September.  You don't need to be at your cottage as long as your tank is accessible and easy to find.  Pricing is as follows:

    Tank Size Reg Price Member Price*
    800 gal $1,130  $1,030 
    1000 gal $1,200  $1,100 
    >1000 gal + add $35 / 100 gal  
    As usual, SLCO members will enjoy a $100 discount*.  
    So if you haven't renewed your membership yet, or you still haven't become a member, visit our website at to renew your membership today - it's only $50!
    If you're interested in participating in this season's septic pump-out, please reply to this message or email us at
    The Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

    * based on 10 or more participating

  • 04 Aug 2020 12:14 PM | Deleted user
  • 03 Aug 2020 3:45 PM | Deleted user

    We know you have some great photos of summer fun at your cottage.  So we are inviting you to join in our photo contest.  Thanks to those that have already submitted their favourite pics.  The theme is 'Life at the Cottage'.  Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 photos and the SLCO Board will determine the winners.  Please submit your photos in their best possible format to  Winners will be announced during the fall.  Please note that any submitted photos may be used in future SLCO Newsletters.

  • 29 Jul 2020 5:37 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Please be advised that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the State of Emergency declared in Ontario the SLCO has rescheduled it's Annual General Meeting (AGM) to September 15th, 2020 at 7:00pm.  

    The AGM will be broadcast online using Zoom.  An AGM package and Instructions for joining the online AGM will be sent to eligible members, who are paid-up and in good standing, on or before August 25th, 2020.

    If you wish to attend and vote at the meeting and to receive the AGM package, it is advisable to renew your membership by August 25th, 2020.  You can renew online at or mail your renewal fee to P.O. Box 108, Utterson, ON, P0B1M0.

    Thank you for your understanding in these difficult times and we look forward to having you join us.

    If you have any questions, please contact our Secretary at

  • 18 May 2020 9:21 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    At our May 15th Board meeting, the SLCO Board of Directors made the difficult decision to cancel all of its summer events due to the ongoing pandemic and social distancing requirements.  This includes the Regatta, Sailing Race, Family Day and Bugs in the Mud.

    We realize many of you will miss the annual fun and social events. However, our Recreation Committee is considering alternative activities and virtual contests that can be held while observing social distancing rules.  If you have suggestions of your own for such events please forward them to our Recreation Director Bob Smith at

    While many of you start to venture back to the lake, please observe the current fire regulations and respect the local health recommendations.  Stay well, stay safe.


    Jeff Crocker

    SLCO President

  • 15 Mar 2020 8:07 PM | Deleted user

    The purpose of this note is to inform you that the second Case Management Conference (CMC #2) for the Lippa appeals, originally scheduled for Wednesday March 25, has been postponed because of COVID-19.

    We appreciate your ongoing support in our campaign to stop the proposed Lippa Pit & Quarry.  We will send out a further update as soon as we receive notification about the rescheduling of CMC #2.




    Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization Board

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