Skeleton Lake News

  • 02 Dec 2019 4:29 PM | Deleted user

    As advised in my last communique, a Case Management Conference (CMC) took place on Thursday, November 28 in Port Carling.  A big thank you to everyone that attended the CMC.  Once again, we filled the hearing room, a clear demonstration of the community’s continuing opposition to the quarry. 

    For those that were unable to attend, the CMC was procedural in nature.  None of the substantive issues were discussed.  Instead, the following key points were discussed or agreed upon:

    • The Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization (SLCO) and several others requested Party status on the second appeal; this will be decided at the next CMC.
    • 46 people requested and were granted Participant status on the second appeal.  It is proposed that SLCO’s lawyer will draft a joint statement that these participants may sign, although some  participants may prefer to prepare their own written submission. 

    • There was discussion about what rules govern the two appeals.
    • A list of issues is to be agreed to by the Township of Muskoka Lakes and Lippa prior to the next CMC.
    • The next CMC will occur on Wednesday March 25, 2020 in Port Carling.  It is scheduled to be in-person, but if sufficient progress has been made the parties could hold the CMC by conference call.

    We will continue to keep you advised as more information becomes available.  In the interim, please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  Again, thank you for the strong support at Thursday’s CMC.


    Jeff Crocker

    President - Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization


    c:   289 221 7903

  • 04 Nov 2019 6:23 PM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    Please follow the link to read the letter submitted today, on behalf of the SLCO, regarding the proposed changes that Bill 132 will have on the Aggregate Resources Act.

    2019 11 04 Comments on ARA amendments.pdf


  • 02 Nov 2019 11:27 AM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    On September 20, 2019 the Province posted a proposal to amend the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) through ERO 019-0556.  Comments are due by November 4th, 2019 (45 day posting).

    The SLCO is monitoring these developments and will be making a submission through our legal team before the deadline.  We will distribute that once available.

    It's worth noting that these changes are still preliminary and somewhat vague. We expect more specific information to be made available and an opportunity to fully understand the impacts and to provide additional input to the process.

    We have been asked by several members if it's important to make a submission.  While it's questionable as to whether these changes could affect our current fight with Lippa, we nevertheless expect future threats in our watershed and therefore feel that, yes, it is important for our community members to submit their comments.

    In order to help with your submission, we have posted two documents to our website that might be useful.  One is a submission from the City of Hamilton that gives an overview and captures fairly well our own position on what has been presented so far.  You can find that by clicking here.

    The second is quick summary that members can use as a starting point to make their own submission.  You can find that by clicking here.

    While the SLCO will continue to fight to protect our lake on behalf of all members, we feel that individuals in our community can make a difference by making their voices heard and urge you to make a make a submission before the deadline.

    For more information follow this link.

    Jeff Crocker

    SLCO President

  • 12 Oct 2019 11:10 AM | Jeff Crocker (Administrator)

    President's Thanksgiving Message

    If you're like my family, you'll know Fall is perhaps the best season to be on the lake.  And I'm reminded when Thanksgiving Weekend comes around of how lucky and thankful we are to be able to share this wonderful paradise with such a caring and concerned community.

    As your new SLCO president I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to say thanks to Scott May for his time and dedication over the last three years as our president and for being a champion in the fight to protect our lake.  I'm also thankful that Scott won't be going very far and will be my wingman, serving as Vice President.  We have a lot to do over the coming 24 months.

    This past August we elected a slate of 15 directors to the SLCO Board of Directors; many veterans and some new faces. I'm very proud of the skills we have on our Board and the determination of them all to protect our lake.  You can find our Board members at Board of Directors.

    Your SLCO Board meets many times during the year to review programs and progress and we just wrapped up our last formal meeting for 2019 yesterday.  The Board members chair many committees which will also meet several times per year and rely heavily on the involvement of other volunteers around the lake.  You can find information about our committees here Committees.

    This coming year will be a watershed year for us.  We have a major battle looming on the horizon that will test our collective strengths.  But we also have to 'mind the shop' and keep all our other activities aimed at protecting our lake and fostering community ticking along.  At the conclusion of our meeting yesterday we prioritized our objectives over the coming year as follows -

    • Defeat the proposed Lippa Pit & Quarry
    • Build a strong Membership
    • Fundraising 
    • Focus on Stewardship

    How will we know when we've accomplished these objectives?  When our membership is over 300, when we reach $200,000 in donations and when we successfully shut down the proposed Pit & Quarry that threatens all that we consider sacred about our lake.

    Our focus on Stewardship is our raison d'être.   While we are being challenged by commercial development, we have to keep striving to roll out the actions and stewardship programs identified in the Skeleton Lake Plan & Stewardship Program.

    What can you do to help?  First and foremost renew or enrol for your 2019 membership if you haven't already done so.  You can do that online at {Member_Profile_URL}

    Second, you can make a donation by visiting Donate.

    Third, volunteer.  We are looking for all kinds of skills from running events, to running websites and creating content.  If you're interested, send us a note at

    You'll be hearing quite a bit from us over the coming weeks and months.  The provincial LPAT (formerly OMB) will be holding a Case Management Conference (CMC) on the 28th of November to discuss how to proceed with the multiple appeals launched by the Lippas.  The meeting will again be held at the Town of Muskoka Lakes municipal chambers in Port Ccarling starting at 11:00 a.m. and we will need a strong turnout to ensure the Township and the adjudicators know we won't be bullied into submission.  The SLCO Board will be hard at work preparing for that next confrontation.

    In the meantime, our very best wishes for a joyous and relaxing Thanksgiving Weekend with your loved ones.

    Jeff Crocker

    SLCO President

  • 13 Jul 2019 6:46 AM | Deleted user

    The Skeleton Lake Marina has kindly donated a new peddle boat to be raffled. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $5/each or 3 tickets for $10. Tickets are available at the Skeleton Lake Marina and will also be sold at the regatta where the peddle boat will be on display.  The draw will be at 10 am on Sunday August 4th at the Skeleton Lake Marina. 

  • 19 Jun 2019 8:30 AM | Deleted user

    SLCO Newsletter – June 2019

    Community Updates

    Welcome to another great summer on Skeleton Lake! 

    We wanted to inform you as soon as possible of the great upcoming activities to help you plan your summer.  More information will be provided as we get closer to each event.

    Key Dates

    June 29-30, Sat-Sun

    'All Nations Skeleton Lake Water Walk' (see below for more info.)

    Aug 3, Sat 9:00 - 12:00

    Skeleton Lake Marina Fishing Derby Awards & Pancake Breakfast

    Aug 3, Sat

    42nd Regatta

    Aug 3, Sat 5:00 7:00 pm

    In celebration of the 50th and final year of races, Geoff and Andrea Ross will be hosting a cocktail party at their cottage, located at 1244 Skeleton Lake Road 2, Lot #25, for those who ever sailed in the race to come and reminisce.  

    Aug 4, Sun 1:30 - 4:00

    Annual Jack Wyndham/Bill Wilson Sailing Race

    Aug 11, Sun 10:00 - 12:00

    SLCO Annual General Meeting, Camp Ramah

    Aug (Date to be determined)

    Family Day

    Water Walk

    On June 29 & 30, there will be an ‘All Nations Skeleton Lake Water Walk’ around Skeleton Lake, led by First Nations women, to show respect and care for the lake and surrounding watershed.  You may walk both days, or for any shorter distance.  There will also be a sunrise ceremony at 113 Long Point Road in Utterson on the Saturday morning that you are welcome to attend.  Erin Dixon, a Métis woman, with longstanding family ties to Skeleton Lake, has been instrumental in organizing this Water Walk.  Erin will be one of the women leading the way on the walk.  If you are interested in volunteering, or becoming more involved, please contact either Erin Dixon at or Holly LaForge  For additional history and guidance on waterwalks, you can stay connected through the website

    Free ‘Waste Management Flood Vouchers

    Oops - We previously announced the Town of Huntsville had arranged for a dumpster to be placed on Camp Newport road on June 1 & 2 for people to put solid floating waste into from the spring flood.  Unfortunately, the bin was never delivered by the contractor.  Our apologies to anyone that showed up with lake waste, only to find no bin!  Instead, the Town of Huntsville has made available free ‘Waste Management Flood Vouchers’ which are valid until July 2, 2019.  They can be picked up inside the Skeleton Lake Marina at the desk during normal business hours.  (Note: the marina is not involved with the collection of spring debris.  Instead the marina is kindly acting as the distribution point for the vouchers.)  A big thank you to both the Town of Huntsville, and the Skeleton Lake Marina.

  • 16 Jun 2019 4:02 PM | Deleted user

  • 25 May 2019 4:14 PM | Deleted user

    May 25, 2019

    To:  SLCO Members

    Re:  2019 Spring Freshet - Recovery and Clean-up

    As communicated in my May 5 note, the Town of Huntsville is moving forward with recovery efforts from the spring freshet, collecting and removing the debris in our lakes and rivers.  The Town has partnered with several lake associations to finalize an approach for watershed clean-up.  Specifically, they have arranged for a dumpster to be placed at each lake for one weekend.  For Skeleton Lake, a dumpster will be located at 180 Camp Newport road on Saturday June 1 & Sunday June 2.  Guidelines for use of the dumpster are as follows:

    • The bin will be an ‘Aces Waste’ dumpster, orange in colour
    • Only man-made, floating items are to be retrieved from the lake and deposited in the dumpster
    • If floating items are too large to be placed in the dumpster, the item is to be placed beside the dumpster (the Town of Huntsville will ensure the items are placed in the dumpster)
    • No trees or natural vegetation, such as foliage or shrubbery shall be deposited in the dumpster
    • No debris collected from the land is to be deposited in the dumpster
    • No household garbage is to be deposited in the dumpster
    • The Town of Huntsville will cover the costs associated with the dumpster

    Additionally, if you sustained property damage, supports are currently available as follows:

    If you have any questions, please contact Denise Corry (Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Huntsville):

    Ms. Denise Corry 

    37 Main Street East
    (705) 789-1751 ext 2356 | 1-888-696-4255 ext 2356


    Scott May – President Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization


    c:   416 559 2839

  • 05 May 2019 1:04 PM | Deleted user

    To:  SLCO Members

    Re:  2019 Spring Freshet - Recovery and Clean-up

    A short note on the 2019 spring flood.  First, on behalf of the SLCO Board, I hope you have not been personally affected by this year’s spring run-off and flood.  We recognize many residents in Muskoka have suffered damage to their property.

    We have received a communication from the Town of Huntsville that they asked us to share.  They are advising that collecting and removing the debris in the lakes and rivers will be a key focus for the Town.  It is their hope that they can partner with the Lake Associations to finalize an approach for watershed clean-up.  It is the Town’s goal to reach out to organizations shortly so they can begin these discussions.  In the interim, they have asked lake associations to share the following information with their membership:

    • The Town of Huntsville will be working with the lake associations to collect & remove debris from the lakes and rivers
    • Residents are encouraged to not try and retrieve floating items at this time
    • Should you see a large item (e.g. larger than a Muskoka chair) floating in our watershed, please call 705-789-6421 ext. 0 and the town will assist with securing it until such time as it can be collected

    If you have any questions, please contact Denise Corry (Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Huntsville).  Her contact details are:

    Ms. Denise Corry 

    37 Main Street East

    (705) 789-1751 ext 2356 | 1-888-696-4255 ext 2356

    Thank you for your assistance.


    Scott May - President Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization

  • 02 Apr 2019 4:06 PM | Deleted user

    Spring has arrived (well sort of, if you ignore all the snow currently in Cottage Country) and so has the 2019 Muskoka Stewardship Conference.

    This year’s Stewardship Conference is about how the living parts of our unique watershed are all connected to function as one living ecosystem that serves our needs and enhances our lives.  Attendees will hear from the experts on the basics of watersheds, how all the parts function together as a living ecosystem, the benefits from keeping this ecosystem healthy and what is needed to achieve this.  There will also be an opportunity to have your questions answered by the experts.

    The Conference will take place at the Active Living Centre in Huntsville, from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm on Friday April 26.  Tickets are only $60/person.  Please refer to the flyer below.

    The Conference will be worthwhile for everyone who cares about Muskoka's environment.  Looking forward to seeing you at the Conference on Friday April 26.

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