A Beaver Tale by Liz (Monnie) Mitchell

  • 24 Jan 2022 3:25 PM
    Message # 12310418

    One summer a beaver came visiting.  We would go outside in the morning and see that another sapling had been cut. This happened every morning for about a week.  I started thinking that if he starts chomping on the larger trees we could be in trouble.  So we decided to ambush him.

    We placed an extension ladder on its side across the path that we thought he was using.  Next we tied bells, pots and pans on it.  We figured that if he banged into the ladder we’d hear the noise inside the house.  That didn’t work !!!   He outsmarted us.

    The next evening we turned off the lights in the house and I was to watch out the window for him.  When I saw him coming, I was to whisper to my husband that he was here. MItch was to go outside and catch him. However, MItch was wearing his clunky work boots and didn’t quietly tiptoe out the door. The beaver heard him coming and raced past MItch to the cove to get into the water. I don’t know which of them was more startled.

    After numerous phone calls on how to deter beavers, we finally found someone who came and sprinkled “coyote urine” around the property.

    Knock on Wood”. No more beavers.


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