Proposed Lippa Pit & Quarry

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What is the Proposed Lippa Pit & Quarry?

in 2017, an application was filed to operate a pit and quarry on private lands owned by the Lippas on Butler Mill Road.  If approved, this permit would allow the extraction of 200,000 tonnes of gravel every year. Blasting and extraction would occur below the water table.  Haul routes for transporting the extracted material would be along Aspdin Road, either 15 kilometers west to Rosseau or 22 kilometers east to Huntsville. 

Approval for the quarry requires amendments to the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws as well as a license from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) under the Aggregate Resources Act.  

Why is it a threat to Skeleton Lake?

These are the risks:

Water Quality

Via Lambert's Creek, Lippa will “de-water” crushing operations into our lake leading to contamination and increased nutrients.


The hundreds of large gravel trucks travelling along Aspdin Road, adjacent to our lake, will destroy our peaceful enjoyment of it.


Increased truck traffic on this scenic, pedestrian and school-bus route would create safety issues for both cottagers and area residents.

Health Risks

Crushing generates silica dust and other toxic substances that prevailing winds can bring over our community ... as well as wildlife habitat.

Ground Water Contamination

The hydrogeological/hydrological impacts of blasting below the water table could affect the unique structure of our lake

Real Estate Values

These risks will have a negative impact on real estate values, your investment.

2025 Update

What is Happening Now?

While the current Township of Muskoka Lake Official Plan would deny approval of the Lippa Pit, a number of third parties have submitted appeals for amendments that would permit Lippa's plan to proceed.

Before the appeals can be heard, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) is holding a series of Case Management Conferences to organize an appeals hearing and identify

  • party status: who may  participate in the planning appeals
  • a finalized list of issues in dispute, and finally 
  • hearing dates for the appeals to be heard.  

    During the coming year, the OLT, and will begin to hear the appeals against the new Township of Muskoka Lake Official Plan.

    Over the past two years, the Skeleton Lake Cottagers' Organization has worked diligently to obtain Party Status to defend the OP. In our efforts to support the Township of Muskoka Lakes in defending the OP and protecting our lakes, SLCO has engaged a number of subject-matter experts to report on the environmental impacts of the proposed pit.  These reports, together with our environmentally-focused legal counsel, are the best means to defeat the appeals and prevent the quarry operations.

    The cost is significant! Donate now! ^

      We need the support of everyone your support!

      Donate now ...

      Are you ready to fight with us?
      SLCO is doing everything it can to ensure the multiple appeals lobbied against the Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan (and our Lake plan at the same time) are crushed. We want to ensure close lake proximity aggregate extraction never happens. 

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      Take advantage of the Government of Canada's extension on charitable donations up until February 28, 2025!

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      The Background ...

      June 2017 - March 2020

      June 2017 – Lippa’s application to amend the Official Plan is unanimously defeated by the Township of Muskoka Lakes (TML). Lippa appeals this decision to the *Ontario Municipal Board. 

      2018 – Mr. Ross Earl, a resident of Lambert’s Lake, discloses that while Lippa had complied with the Township’s two-kilometer setback rule for Skeleton Lake, Lambert’s Lake is only 700 meters from the proposed site.

      July 2018 – Lippa submits an additional amendment application to crush within 700 meters of Lambert’s Lake. The TML refused it outright. Lippa appeals this decision to the *Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).

      November 2019 – A Case Management Conference (CMC) to determine appeal issues, parties and participants was inconclusive. 

      March 2020 – The second CMC was postponed indefinitely due to Covid 19.

      Post-Covid - 2023
      Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan 

      SLCO works with local Councillors and actively participates in the development of the new Township of Muskoka Lakes (TML) Official Plan (OP) to successfully embed important parts of our SLCO's Stewardship and Lake Plan.  This included maintaining existing policies that restrict new aggregate operations to areas more than 2km away from waterfront areas and within 10km of a provincial highway.

      Along with support from the Muskoka Lakes Association, Friends of Muskoka, Muskoka Small Lakes Coalition, and several delegates speaking on behalf of our lake, the TML Planning Committee agreed to retain these two key clauses within the OP, despite objections from the Muskoka District Planning staff who supported provincial legislation.

      District Councilors vote unanimously (22 - 0) to approve the new Township of Muskoka Lakes Official Plan.

      Unfortunately, the Lippa family and Miller Paving file appeals with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) against the two key policies that limit new quarries to sites further than 2km from waterfront areas and at least 10km from a Provincial highway, 

      Many people were involved in this fight with special thanks going to:  Mayor Nancy Alcock (Huntsville), Mayor Peter Kelley (TML), Jeff Crocker (Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization), Susan Eplett (Muskoka Lakes Association), Laurie Thomson (Friends of Muskoka), Mark Scarrow (Muskoka Small Lakes Coalition), Tom Newman (Stop Muskoka Pit), Ross Earl, Linda Haslam-Stroud, Erin Dixon, Geoff Ross and Betsy Rothwell. ^

      Additional Information ...

      *Player Summary:

      • Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA), Friends of Muskoka, Muskoka Small Lakes Coalition
      • *Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT):  "In 2017, the Ontario Municipal Board was continued as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). On June 1, 2021, LPAT was amalgamated and continued into the OLT." 
      • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF):  Now the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resource and Forestry.

      "Skeleton Lake Cottagers Organization" is a non-profit organization.
      All Rights Reserved.

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